Image Credits: Metrohm USA
Metrohm USA is pleased to announce the publication of ASTM Method D7994, establishing Combustion Ion Chromatography (CIC) as a standard test method to determine total fluorine, chlorine and sulfur in Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG). A result of Metrohm’s long-term collaboration with industry leaders and the ASTM, this method helps customers in the energy and petrochemical markets to certify products for safe use.
Further applications extend this method to help monitor industrial manufacturing equipment for evidence of corrosion. The technology is also applicable to pharmaceutical, electronics and chemical manufacturing for contaminant and corrosion monitoring.
This method is particularly significant to the industry because of the additional information that CIC provides. It is the only analysis that can identify and quantify individual contamination species with a single test. This allows manufacturers and refiners to pinpoint the source of contamination within their production process itself, and make corrections accordingly.
Larry Tucker, Vice President of Business Development, Metrohm USA
The release of this method signifies Metrohm’s ongoing effort to help manufacturers decrease their environmental impact and improve profitability. Metrohm has a long history of productive collaboration with the ASTM, including recently published methods D8045 for the analysis of crude oil, D7923 for moisture in ethanol and hydrocarbon blends and D7319 for sulfate and inorganic chloride in fuel ethanol and butanol.