Image Credit: Ph.wittaya/Shutterstock.com
Thermosets are designed for components that must be insoluble, strong, and of high temperature stability and mechanical strength. Fabrication and processing is less expensive than metals.
TMA, TGA, DSC, and DMA are the four major methods of thermal analysis suitable to characterize such materials. The primary advantage is being able to measure the properties as a function of time or temperature over a broad range of temperatures - between 150 and 1600 °C.
This webinar demonstrates the use of thermal analysis to analyze thermosets and presents a few typical instances of samples measured with TMA, TGA, DSC, or DMA.
Thermal analysis can be employed for the research and quality control of thermosetting materials. A small sample, weighing only a few milligrams is enough to measure the highly significant characteristics and properties of such materials - glass transition, decomposition, gelation, specific heat capacity, curing, elasticity, and expansion coefficient.
This webinar presents the major methods of thermal analysis and a few typical applications.
The topics covered in the webinar are as follows:
- Introduction
- Basic properties of thermosets
- Typical questions
- Thermal analysis
- Industries and applications
- Instrumentation and applications
- Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
- Thermogravimetry (TGA)
- Thermomechanical Analysis (TMA)
- Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA)
- Summary

This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by Mettler Toledo - Thermal Analysis.
For more information on this source, please visit Mettler Toledo - Thermal Analysis.