The sprawling city of Riyadh covers 130,000 acres, five times larger than the area of Paris. In the past, about 60 percent of Riyadh’s water supply disappeared through leakage at various points in the 6000 miles of piping that transported water to the city’s 4.5 million population. The government-owned National Water Company set out to reduce the volume of water and revenues lost to leakage to a more sustainable 20 percent.
ABB FlowMaster Flowmeters
To modernize Riyadh’s vast but deteriorated water distribution network, ABB needed a compact, rugged and maintenance-free solution. This solution would transmit measured data via a GSM telecommunications network to the National Water Company’s cent,ral control room.
On three separate occasions company engineers selected ABB WaterMaster and AquaMaster flowmeters to play a prominent role in the solution. They repeatedly selected these flowmeters for their outstanding accuracy and performance.
Requirements called for an exceptionally robust solution. For those locations with no external power source, the flowmeters had to be battery-powered to avoid the high maintenance associated with miniature solar panels. Currently, about 900 of these ABB flowmeters measure water flow rates to help reduce leakage and achieve the target of 20%.
ABB AquaMaster flowmeter
ABB’s AquaMaster and WaterMaster Flowmeters
The strong, durable design of ABB’s AquaMaster and WaterMaster flowmeters ensures a long, maintenance-free operating life under the most difficult conditions.
The AquaMaster and WaterMaster flowmeters both share the same outstanding features of unrivaled accuracy, ease of use and advanced data communications. The former is powered by the AC network, the latter by a single ultra-long-life battery.
Their strong, hardwearing design ensures a long, maintenance-free operating life under the most arduous of conditions. They can be buried directly in the ground or submerged in water without the need for expensive protective chambers. Their measurement accuracy enables the National Water Company to know exactly how much water is flowing through the main pipeline and to detect leaks when and where they occur throughout the piping network.
WaterMaster and AquaMaster are part of ABB’s FlowMaster range of electromagnetic meters for flow measurement in industrial processes, water and wastewater management, and the food and life science industries. ABB has the world’s largest range of flowmeters, with an unparalleled number of tried and tested measuring principles, type variants and applications.
ABB WaterMaster family of flowmeters

This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by ABB Measurement & Analytics.
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