The OmniScanTM X4 multitechnology series is a portable, effective solution that increases test productivity and confidence through speed and versatility.
Its advanced phased array capabilities, innovative phase coherence imaging (PCI), and total focusing method (TFM) enable inspectors to detect and interpret challenging flaws, safeguarding asset integrity by identifying damage sooner.
Proven to Perform, Trusted to Deliver

Image Credit: Evident Corporation - NDT
Each OmniScan X4 unit is a complete multitechnology inspection toolbox that allows users to employ various ultrasonic testing methods. Exploiting its advanced detection and measurement capabilities, they can precisely identify and assess the extent of damage before it becomes critical, protecting welds, parts, and assets most vulnerable to corrosion or cracking.
Assess with Certainty Using PCI

Image Credit: Evident Corporation - NDT
Eradicate uncertainty by utilizing phase coherence imaging’s ability to identify and highlight historically challenging defects, such as hook cracks and stress corrosion cracking. PCI also differentiates individual flaws in crack colonies, so inspectors can confidently categorize them accordingly.
3x Faster TFM Acquisition Rate

Image Credit: Evident Corporation - NDT
The enhanced processing power of the OmniScan X4 series allows users to acquire clear TFM imaging at up to three times faster acquisition rates than the previous model (X3 64). Take advantage of the OmniScan X4 64:128PR unit’s faster speed and 128-element capacity to conduct TFM inspections with increased focusing capabilities.
Gain Instant Insights and Eliminate Inefficiency
Twice the Confidence with Twin TFM and PCI

Image Credit: Evident Corporation - NDT
Use PCI and TFM's distinct qualities to fully examine the volume of welds from both sides concurrently. Utilize dual probes to scan the weld in one pass to display PCI and TFM results and compare, measure, and confirm indication characterization quickly and accurately.
Engineered for Speed and Simplicity
The OmniScan X4 series makes performing phased array, TOFD, TFM, and PCI easy. The simple, step-by-step scan plan and application presets allow users of all experience levels to use these techniques confidently and efficiently.
Convenient Application Presets

Image Credit: Evident Corporation - NDT
Utilize the OmniScan X4 application presets to enhance the learning curve and boost operator inspection consistency and dependability. Even inexperienced users can create an ideal PA or PCI configuration in just a few minutes.
These preprogrammed parameters, which include corrosion and composite inspection options, make scanning setups with HydroFORMTM, FlexoFORMTM, and RollerFORMTM scanners easier. Users can modify the settings as necessary.
Ease Complex Configurations

Image Credit: Evident Corporation - NDT
From the simplest to the most intricate inspection setups, the OmniScan X4 scan plan’s user-friendly, step-by-step 3D graphics make each process easier.
When creating a raster scan plan, users can give the scan axes custom names and create a datum reference point relative to the asset. These real-world references, combined with the true orientation correction, make it much easier to create an intuitive schematic representation of the inspection data for the report.