Asynt reports that its ReactoMate Reactor System, with glass vacuum jacket, offers outstanding thermal performance thereby improving control of reactions.
ReactoMate Reactor System
By reducing heat loss / gain the glass vacuum jacket enables faster rates of heating and uses less energy to cool the system, also lower temperatures can potentially be achieved than vessels without a vacuum jacket. In addition the vacuum jacket provides excellent reaction visibility and reduces condensation – staying ice-free to -50°C.
The ReactoMate Reactor System is a safe and super-stable laboratory reactor. Compact in design, the ReactoMate accommodates vacuum jacketed reactors from 50 ml to 10,000 ml and delivers precise control of reaction variables. Support systems for ReactoMate are constructed using stainless steel and aluminium components to ensure stability. Larger vessels (3,000-10,000 ml) are additionally supported at the base of the reactor to enhance safety. Set-up is simple and the compact, ergonomic design of ReactoMate ensures that the unit takes up as little space as possible in a standard fume cupboard, while maintaining convenient access to the reaction vessel. An optional facility to adjust height during operation means that additions can be made easily and space is allowed for draining the vessel contents.
The ReactoMate Reactor is part of a comprehensive system which includes a range of stands, a choice of jacketed vessels and ancillary equipment. Heating/cooling circulators are available to match customer specifications and overhead stirrers with flexible coupling options can also be provided.
For further information on ReactoMate Reactor Systems please visit or contact Asynt on +44-1638-781709 / [email protected].
Asynt is a leading supplier of affordable products, consumables and services for chemists in industry and academia. With staff of trained chemists - Asynt is able to draw upon this in-depth applications knowledge to provide a high level of customer support for its DrySyn Heating Blocks, Controlled Lab Reactors, Synthesis Tools, Evaporators, Circulators, Temperature Control Systems, Vacuum Pumps and Laboratory Safety Equipment.