Sponsored by ORTECMay 10 2017
ORTEC provides support to academic teaching laboratories across various disciplines, including radio-pharmacy, biology, chemistry, physics, and nuclear engineering and technology. The company in particular offers packaged experiments with accompanying scripts, including tutorial information, student exercises, experimental set-up instructions, and methods.
AN34 Teaching Experiments
A wide choice of pre-scripted teaching laboratory experiments are offered by the ORTEC AN34 Laboratory Manual for use in nuclear science undergraduate laboratories. The company offers two editions of experiments. Third Edition experiments are based on the application of classic NIM modules. The company’s newly designed Fourth Edition experiments include both classic NIMs and new offerings such as integrated and digital electronic products. The AN34 Fourth Edition features the company’s new "EASY-NIM" product suite.
Experiment Equipment
The wide range of nuclear instrumentation offered by ORTEC relating to spectroscopy and radiation detection includes modular (NIM) signal processing modules for fast timing and pulse counting, radiation detectors, and digital electronics and modules for generalized multichannel analysis.
This modularity allows ORTEC to offer an economical, re-configurable approach to teaching experiment instrumentation. For instance, it may be possible to configure the various experiments included in the AN34 Laboratory Manual with little or no addition to the basic equipment, meaning users can simply reconfigure what they already have.
Partnership and Support
In collaboration with teaching facilities in universities and other educational institutions, ORTEC provides extended support for the development and advancement of new pre-scripted experiments.
If teaching experiments have been developed using ORTEC products, the company would welcome the opportunity to add them on its site for others to use. ORTEC is glad to acknowledge the educational institution for contributing the experimental script, and to provide a link that directs to the contributor's departmental website.

This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by ORTEC.
For more information on this source, please visit ORTEC.