The ORTEC® Products Group of AMETEK’s Material Analysis Division has released the DSPEC-50A and DSPEC-502A Advanced Digital Spectrometers for high-resolution gamma spectroscopy applications.

These new models further expand the highly successful line of DSPEC-50 and DSPEC-502 Digital Spectrometers. Key new features include: 1) high-precision coincidence timing to simplify Compton Suppression and Cosmic Veto System configurations, 2) web page and web services for operating system independent controls and custom application development, and 3) 64K ADC Conversion Gain for superior low-energy peak shape in broad energy range applications.
“The operational simplicity and outstanding performance of the coincidence timing functions already have been highly praised by customers,” states Ken Embury, ORTEC Product Manager. “We are excited to enable use of our products on computers running any operating system through new web-based interfaces to reach a broader customer base.”
The ORTEC Products Group is the leading supplier of high-resolution, HPGe-based radiation identifiers, with more than 50 years of experience in the design and manufacture of highly sensitive radiation detectors used by government and industrial laboratories, nuclear facilities and medical research, and in nuclear safeguards.