Aluminium / Aluminum 2014 Alloy (UNS A92014)

Topics Covered

Chemical Composition
Physical Properties
Mechanical Properties
Thermal Properties
Other Designations
Fabrication and Heat Treatment
     Cold Working
     Heat Treatment
     Hot Working


Aluminium / Aluminum alloys have strong corrosion resistance characteristics and high electrical conductivity. The strength of these alloys increase at subzero temperatures and strength is lost when these alloys are exposed to high temperatures. Aluminium / Aluminum alloys are good low-temperature alloys and are sensitive to high temperatures ranging between 200 and 250°C (392 and 482°F).

The following datasheet provides an overview of Aluminium / Aluminum 2014 alloy.

Chemical Composition

The chemical composition of Aluminium / Aluminum 2014 alloy is outlined in the following table.

Element Content (%)
Aluminium / Aluminum, Al 93.5
Copper, Cu 4.4
Silicon, Si 0.8
Magnesium, Mg 0.5
Cromium, Cr
0.1 (Max)
Manganese, Mn

Physical Properties

The following table shows the physical properties of Aluminium / Aluminum 2014 alloy.

Properties Metric Imperial
Density 2.8 g/cm3 0.1018 lb/in3
Melting point 510°C 950°F

Mechanical Properties

The mechanical properties of Aluminium / Aluminum 2014 alloy are displayed in the following table.

Properties Metric Imperial
Elastic modulus 70-80 GPa 10152-11603 ksi
Poisson's ratio 0.33 0.33

Thermal Properties

The thermal properties of Aluminium / Aluminum 2014 alloy are given in the following table.

Properties Conditions
T (ºC) Treatment
Thermal expansion 23 (10-6/ºC) 20-100 -
Thermal conductivity 192 (W/mK) 25 O

Other Designations

Equivalent materials to Aluminium / Aluminum 2014 alloy are given in the table below.

ASTM BB241 DIN 3.1255 MIL T-15089 QQ A-200/2 QQ A-225/4
QQ A-250/4 QQ A-367 SAE J454

Fabrication and Heat Treatment


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Aluminium / Aluminum 2014 alloy can be annealed at 413°C (775°F) for 2 to 3 hours. The alloy is then cooled each hour between 10 and 260°C (50 and 500°F) that is followed by air cooling.

Cold Working

Aluminium / Aluminum 2014 alloy can be cold worked in the T4 and T3 tempers. Tight bend radii is not recommended for this alloy.


The inert gas consumable arc method is recommended for welding Aluminium / Aluminum 2014 alloy. Filler rods of either 2017 alloy or 2014 alloy are used in the welding process. Fixturing is arranged for minimum strength as this alloy is subject to cracking during the welding process.


Aluminium / Aluminum 2014 alloy can be forged between 399 and 454°C (750 and 850°F).


Conventional methods are used for forming Aluminium / Aluminum 2014 alloy. The forming process is performed in the T3 or T4 temper and tight bend radius is not recommended for this welding process.


Aluminium / Aluminum 2014 alloy has good machinability in the annealed condition and usage of kerosene or oil is recommended for this machining process. Usage of 20° side rake, 10° clearance and 15° top rake is ess ential for lathe cutting.

Heat Treatment

Aluminium / Aluminum 2014 alloy is heat treated at 502°C (935°F) and then water quenched. T4 temper is produced as a result of this heat treatment.

Hot Working

Aluminium / Aluminum 2014 alloy is hot worked in temperatures ranging 149 and 204°C (300 to 400°F).


Aluminium / Aluminum 2014 alloy is hardened by a precipitation heat treatment at 502°C (935°F). The alloy is then water quenched thus producing T4 temper. Additional cold work after the hardening process of this alloy produces other tempers. T6511 and T6510 tempers are produced by heat treatment at 160°C (320°F).


Aluminium / Aluminum 2014 alloy is used in the manufacture of truck frames and aircraft structures.

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