Retreads Perform as well as New Tires

Old timers in the trucking industry were quick to tell you about the problems they had with “them recaps” back in the seventies and eighties. “Ain’t worth the trouble they cause,” they would say.

Well, old timers, times have changed. Today’s retreaded tires perform as well as new tires but at a far lower cost. Thanks to new technology – especially in non-destructive testing of casings before the retread process begins – and improvements in rubber chemistry and compounding, the retread industry now produces millions of top quality retreaded tires every year. This results in tremendous cost savings for the trucking industry, bus fleets, including school buses, and commercial & military aircraft worldwide.

Retreads are also responsible for mitigating the worldwide shortage of giant (OTR) tires used in mines and road construction. Although the giant (OTR) tire shortage continues to plague mine operators worldwide, thanks to retreading many mines that would have been shut down are able to continue operating. This fact has a profound positive effect on the world’s economy.

Retreads are also very environmentally friendly and are responsible for saving hundreds of millions of gallons of oil every year, since much of the rubber in tires is synthetic and is petroleum based. Also, every tire retreaded is one less tire that is sent to our already overcrowded landfills. Although retreads look round and black, they are really very “green.”

Tire Retread Information Bureau

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