ThyssenKrupp Steel Wins Corporate Health Award 2010 Under Heavy Industries Category

Under the patronage of the German Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and the New Quality of Work Initiative (INQA), Germany’s healthiest companies were honored yesterday evening at the Berlin Umweltforum (Environmental Forum) by Handelsblatt, TÜV SÜD Life Service and EuPD Research: ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG won the coveted award in the “Heavy industry and engineering” category.

Explaining the decision, a representative of EuPD said: “The company demonstrates exemplary commitment to the health and performance capabilities of its employees and sets nationwide standards in Germany.”

Dieter Kroll, Executive Board member and HR Director of ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG, said at the ceremony: “The Handelsblatt rankings have shown for some years that our corporate health management system is one of the best in Germany. The Corporate Health Award 2010 is both a recognition of our work so far and an incentive to continue. A panel of top-ranking experts has confirmed that we are on the right track.” Public recognition is important because it calls the attention of other companies to the subject of corporate health management, he continued. Demographic change is a societal issue for which industry must find solutions.

The Corporate Health Award 2010 is presented in eight sector-specific categories and three special categories. The winners are selected on the basis of a multi-stage, expert-supported assessment system. 203 mainly large corporations entered in 2010, including numerous companies listed in the DAX 30 index. The Corporate Health Award honors sustainable corporate health management programs in the German-speaking area.

The award-winning corporate health management program at Germany’s biggest steel producer is aimed at maintaining and promoting the health and performance capabilities of its employees. It includes aspects such as management, corporate culture, working environment, social competencies, working conditions and health practices.

ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe takes a holistic approach to health management, combining traditional health and safety measures with improvements to working conditions, work organization and individual health awareness.

In practice the program encompasses a large number of measures and components aimed at helping employees become fit and healthy and stay that way. For example the company offers health and nutrition seminars, stress management and relaxation courses, back exercise programs, and strength and endurance training, partly in conjunction with external consultants and organizations. With the introduction of a so-called health shift in summer this year, shift workers have the opportunity to voluntarily attend a one-day seminar with a medical checkup, presentations on health, nutrition and exercise, as well as one-to-one sessions to discuss personal risks and ways of achieving a more healthy lifestyle – including feedback discussions a few months later. In acute crisis situations, the company supports employees through its in-house social services team or arranges appointments with psychological/psychiatric practices within two working days as part of its crisis intervention activities. Above that employees can attend regular external preventive health checkups. Executives receive extensive training to sensitize them both to their own health and that of their employees.

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