Cortec® Corporation, the World Leader in Innovative Corrosion Protection Solutions, introduces VpCI®-386 HT Black - a unique, high heat resistant water-based acrylic silicone primer/topcoat that provides protection in harsh, outdoor unsheltered applications!

One of the biggest challenges in maintaining spares and redundant machinery in a prime state is keeping it from corrosion and deterioration. If conventional paint is used to cover corroded areas, the paint eventually cracks and the areas begin corroding again. But if VpCI®-386 HT Black is applied to areas that are cracked and corroded, it will protect the equipment and months later the areas will not show any signs of further corrosion.
The protective coating significantly delays the reaction of metal ionization and water permeation, which protects against corrosive electrolyte and aggressive environments, thus preventing corrosion. VpCI®-386 HT Black provides a fast-drying thixotropic coating that is resistant to sagging or running. This unique coating offers extended protection for sheltered, unsheltered, outdoor, or indoor conditions. Thermally stable when dried from -150°F to 500°F (-78° to 260°C), the coating is ultraviolet resistant and gives optimal outdoor performance without cracking or chipping upon prolonged exposure to sunlight.
The complex mixture of non-toxic, organic inhibitors, and silicone compounds offers excellent outdoor weathering and thermal heat protection. VpCI®-386 HT Black has been improved by using a blend of highly corrosion resistant silicone polymers and additives that provides a composite polymer barrier film.
Cortec® VpCI®-386 HT Black is heat resistant, fast drying, and UV resistant. It can be used as a topcoat/primer and applied via spray, roller, or brush. VpCI®-386 HT Black protects carbon steel, cast iron, aluminum**, stainless steel, galvanized steel**, and copper.
VpCI®-386 HT Black is available in 5 gallon (19 liter), 55 gallon (208 liter), liquid totes, and bulk. Keep product from freezing. Avoid temperatures higher than 75°F (24°C) while in storage.
Cortec’s VpCI®-386 HT Black conforms to ASTM D-2485-91 Standard Test Methods for evaluating coatings for High Temperature Service (Method A) (After Heating).
**Special recommendations apply to these applications; please contact Cortec for more information.