ACG Demonstrate Carbon Prepregs in Unmanned Air Vehicles

Composite carbon prepreg materials from Advanced Composites Group Ltd. (ACG), part of the Composites Division of Umeco plc, are being utilised by Peterborough, UK based AESIR Ltd to manufacture the fuselage of its ODIN, HODER and VIDAR Vertical Take Off and Landing (VTOL) Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAVs). Using patented AESIR technology, exploiting the Coanda* effect, named after the Romanian engineer, Henri Coanda, and designed to operate in both urban and rural environments, AESIR’s UAVs provide a platform suitable for a variety of uses, including surveillance and cargo lift.

ACG’s MTM®28 Series prepregs, which are based on a flexible 85 to120°C (185 to 248°F) curing toughened, epoxy matrix resins, and purposefully developed for the manufacture of components requiring high damage tolerance, were chosen by AESIR because of their excellent impact resistance, autoclave curing capability and long out life.

While AESIR opted to autoclave cure its UAV fuselages, ACG’s flexible processing MTM®28 Series prepregs also readily accommodate vacuum bag or press moulding.

AESIR’s ODIN VTOL UAV, which is the company’s median product, measures 1m in diameter, weighs 10kg, has a payload of 10kg, and is powered by a Wankel Rotary engine burning JP-8 jet fuel, giving it a 1 hour operational capability. The HODER VTOL UAV, which is currently at prototype stage, is a heavy lift craft capable of carrying a 1 tonne payload. Intended primarily for cargo transport and resupply of ground forces on the front line, HODER is being proposed as a replacement for piloted helicopters and ground convoys. Using a turbo shaft engine burning JP-8 jet fuel, the HODER weighs 1500kg and has an 8 hour operational capability. VIDAR, AESIR’s smallest UAV, which is a 300mm diameter hand-portable craft, has been developed to provide surveillance and situational awareness inside buildings and other confined areas. Weighing 400g and powered by an electric motor using a lithium-polymer battery, VIDAR can carry a payload of 100g for up to 15 minutes.

Typical operational roles covered by the AESIR range include: ISTAR (Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance), situation awareness, communications relay and electronic warfare, fixed and mobile asset protection, IED (Improvised Explosive Devices) detection, weapon or loitering munition, stores deployment and any other operation where using a manned craft might put a crew’s life at risk.

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