Convert Ltd, the UK’s leading manufacturer of cable looms and harnesses, has secured an order to design cable assemblies to power 100 electric all terrain quad bikes a year.

Convert will design and manufacture the cable assemblies for Aspire Engineering, specialist in sustainable engineering solutions for the electric vehicle industry, who then convert the quad bikes which are run on petrol/ diesel into a 100 percent electric vehicle for EcoCharger Quads, specialists in all terrain quad bikes.
Convert will manufacture 28 cable assemblies for both two-wheel drive and four-wheel drive quadbikes. The cable assemblies vary in complexity and wire size - from 0.5mm² up to 35mm² - and support two applications, one is the main control system and the other is to support the connection of the batteries to run the bike via the control system motor.
The quadbikes have been sold to end users all around the world – from police in the Cayman Islands to coffee farmers in Costa Rica. They have also been bought by the National Trust and RSPB as they are environmentally beneficial due to zero emissions and animal friendly because of the low noise level.
Dave Lord, Convert’s Managing Director, said: “Electric powered vehicles are the future, so it was very exciting to be part of a project which transforms conventionally powered quadbikes to run on electricity. We used our experience and expertise to ensure the assemblies were easy to manufacture and were to the correct standards.”
Ian Briggs, Aspire Engineering’s Director, said: “Convert’s attention to detail when it comes to the design and manufacture of cable looms and harnesses is second to none. They always provide the best quality within the expected time frame. It’s great to be involved in a project that champions green transport by converting diesel and petrol powered quadbike to electric.”
Jon Hourihan, General Manager at Eco Charger, said: “The EV market is the most dynamic in the automotive, motorcycle and powersports sectors, with small niche brands beginning to gain ground on their larger counterparts. The R&D to get to this stage has been exhaustive and having a business model where you build your quality and reputation into the brand by using world class suppliers is fundamental to our continued success. The business is scalable, and the suppliers with us on our growth plan will share in our success.”
The electric quadbikes are also being manufactured in Australia using Convert’s looms. There are upcoming plans to roll this out in South Africa, Dubai and USA.