The fourth-generation NeoScope JCM-7000 from JEOL USA, Inc integrates sophisticated technology and functions that make it easy for users at any skill level to achieve excellent elemental analysis and SEM image results in just minutes.
It is fixed with high and low vacuum modes, a huge chamber, real-time 3D imaging, secondary and backscatter electron detectors, highly-advanced auto functions, and the option to add a completely embedded EDS with real-time, “Live” analysis.
This 4th Generation NeoScope™ is Smart-Flexible-Powerful
The most recent innovations built to the benchtop platform make this SEM accessible to everybody. Smooth navigation throughout the sample enables users’ to rapidly go from an optical image to high-resolution SEM imaging and analysis.
Automatic condition setting depending on the sample type and application guarantees high-quality results and improves productivity. Highly-advanced auto functions produce images of unusual fidelity.
Users can use a platform that is suitable for them. Options like the fully-embedded EDS for elemental analysis, Stage Navigation System (color camera), and Smile View Map for 3D image reconstruction and surface texture analysis are available.
The high-resolution W filament source enables magnification up to 100,000×. A benchtop SEM is available with both secondary electron and backscatter electron detectors, plus high and low vacuum modes enable the study of an extensive range of sample types.
Automated montage is built-in for a high-resolution view over a bigger area. It includes a montage X-Ray map with an EDS option. The BSE detector aids live 3D imaging for embodied knowledge of sample surface shape.
Live Analysis
The analytical model includes JEOL’s completely embedded EDS system offering real-time EDS spectra at the time of the image observation. With Live Analysis, users can:
- View EDS spectra in real-time as they search for the area of interest.
- Set analysis points, areas, map position, and line scan from the live image observation screen.
- Obtain significant elements as displayed on the live EDS window.
Key Features
- Zeromag: Streamlines navigation and improves throughput. Offers a smooth transition from an optical (or holder graphic) to an SEM image
- High resolution (100,000×) and large depth of field available
- High and low vacuum modes for managing a broad variety of samples
- Sophisticated functions built-in such as Live 3D imaging and automated montage
- Highly sophisticated auto functions for automatic condition setting and image formation in just minutes
- Smile View™ Lab available for combined management of image and analysis data
- High and low vacuum modes for regulating an extensive range of samples
Easy Filament Replacement in the JEOL NeoScope. Video Credit: JEOL USA, Inc.
LabTube Meets JEOL NeoScope Benchtop SEM. Video Credit: JEOL USA, Inc.
Seamless navigation with ZeroMag — Plus live EDS analysis. Video Credit: JEOL USA, Inc.
Live 3D imaging for intuitive knowledge of sample surface shape. Video Credit: JEOL USA, Inc.
Fourth Generation NeoScope JCM-7000 for SEM Images



