Quantum Design’s PPMS VersaLab is a compact, cryogen-free material analysis system powered by a cryocooler. With a 50 to 400 K temperature range, this 3 tesla platform is ideal for various material characterization tasks in confined spaces.
Like all Quantum Design instruments, the PPMS VersaLab is a fully automated, turnkey system with an intuitive interface.
It is designed for material testing up to 3 tesla across a broad temperature range without liquid cryogens or extensive power infrastructure.
This makes the PPMS VersaLab an excellent choice for small labs with limited space and educational settings that may lack the resources of larger research facilities.
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- Compact size and portability require minimal lab space
- No high power requirements for operation
- No need for liquid cryogens
- Supports nearly all PPMS measurement options
- An ideal solution for physics education classes and labs
Available Measurement Options
Electrical Transport
AC Resistance (ETO)
The Electrical Transport Option (ETO) allows for AC resistance measurements of samples using a 4-probe lead configuration. For samples with higher resistances, a 2-probe high-impedance mode is also provided. Signals from two channels can be recorded simultaneously.
- Measure resistances between 2 MΩ and 5 GΩ in the high-impedance 2-probe configuration.
- Measure resistances ranging from 10 μΩ to 10 MΩ in the standard 4-probe configuration.
- Automated I-V curve collection helps screen for ohmic contacts.

Image Credit: Quantum Design International
DC Resistance
The DC Resistivity Option allows for DC resistance measurements on up to three channels using a standard puck.
- Configurable bridge parameters to limit voltage, current, or power at the sample, protecting sensitive devices, films, etc.
- Measure resistances ranging from 10 μΩ to 5 MΩ in a standard 4-probe configuration.
- Source currents between 2 nA and 8 mA.

Image Credit: Quantum Design International
van der Pauw – Hall Transport
The van der Pauw technique enhances the accuracy of both resistivity and Hall coefficient measurements. This option uses a switching controller to automatically collect the necessary data to accurately calculate parameters like carrier concentration and sheet resistance for a uniformly thick sample of any shape.
- Configurable MultiVu sequence commands automatically source current and measure voltage for a series of lead permutations in either the standard van der Pauw or Hall geometries.
- An integrated IV-Curve utility allows for confirming the Ohmic nature of contacts during a measurement.

Image Credit: Quantum Design International
MeasureReady® M91 FastHallTM
The M91 FastHall Controller supports van der Pauw (4 connections) and Hall bar (6 connections) geometries. In the standard resistance model, these samples are connected to Quantum Design’s PPMS sample puck. The high-resistance M91 HR model offers a broader resistance range than the standard model and includes a custom Lake Shore Hall insert, fully guarded from the instrument to the sample, ensuring ultra-low noise measurements.
- Supports van der Pauw and Hall bar samples.
- Standard resistance M91 range: 10 mΩ to 10 MΩ.
- High resistance M91 HR range: 10 mΩ to 10 GΩ.
- Reduces measurement time by up to 50 % with no field reversal required.
- Switching technique minimizes thermal drift.

Image Credit: Quantum Design International
Horizontal Rotator
The horizontal rotator allows a transport sample to be rotated 360 ° in the presence of an applied magnetic field. An automated indexing procedure and encoder ensure precise angular positioning, and the integrated thermometer monitors the temperature near the sample.
- Rotate the sample between -10 ° and 370 ° to adjust the orientation of the applied magnetic field relative to the sample.
- Available with motors in Standard Resolution (0.0133 °/step) and High Resolution (0.0011 °/step) versions.

Image Credit: Quantum Design International
Pressure Cell (Transport)
The Transport Pressure Cell Option for the PPMS, produced by a leading Japanese supplier of pressure cells, ElectroLab, enables up to two 4-probe measurements (typically for the sample and a manometer) of electrical transport at pressures up to 2.7 GPa.
- Data can be collected using any PPMS-compatible QD transport option.
- Includes manometer materials made of tin and lead.

Image Credit: Quantum Design International
Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM)
The VSM allows for the measurement of a sample's magnetic moment as a function of temperature or magnetic field. Magnetic phase transitions and hysteretic behavior are efficiently detected, with typical data acquisition times around 1 second.
- Achieves noise levels of less than 6·10-7 emu at 300 K using a lock-in measurement technique to isolate the sample signal from external noise.
- A temperature sensor integrated within the coil set provides local sample thermometry via exchange gas coupling.
- The optional Large Bore Coil Set accommodates a wider variety of sample holders with minimal loss of sensitivity.

Image Credit: Quantum Design International
VSM Oven
The VSM Oven enables conventional VSM measurements within the temperature range of 300 – 1000 K. A specialized alumina sample holder with an integrated resistive heater and temperature sensor is used to locally heat and monitor the sample temperature.
- Noise levels are less than 6·10-6 emu at 300 K.
- The user kit includes high-temperature Zircar cement and copper radiation shields for sample mounting.

Image Credit: Quantum Design International
AC Susceptibility (ACMS II)
The AC Measurement System (ACMS II) employs a mutual induction-based method to measure a sample's dynamic (AC) susceptibility. It also allows DC magnetization measurements without altering the hardware configuration, offering exceptional ease of use.
- AC excitation fields range from 0.05 – 15 Oe, with frequencies from 10 Hz to 10 kHz.
- AC moment sensitivity of 1·10-8 emu is achieved through a multi-point automated nulling process to reduce background signal interference.
- An automated touch-down procedure maintains sample centering across significant temperature variations.

Image Credit: Quantum Design International
First Order Reversal Curve (FORC) Software for VSM
First Order Reversal Curve (FORC) measurements and their analysis offer a deeper understanding of magnetic reversal mechanisms that conventional major hysteresis loops do not detect. The resulting families of curves can highlight specific magnetic reversal behaviors.
- FORC distributions can be visualized in real-time during measurements.
- Compatible with any Quantum Design VSM configuration.

Image Credit: Quantum Design International
Pressure Cell (Magnetometry)
The pressure cell option for magnetometry, produced by HMD, a top Japanese supplier of pressure cells, features a simplified design that eliminates the need for copper sealing rings or a hydraulic press to reach the maximum pressure of 1.3 GPa.
- BeCu construction ensures a minimal, uniform magnetic background.
- Manometer materials include tin and lead.

Image Credit: Quantum Design International
Torque Magnetometry
The torque magnetometer measures a sample's magnetic moment by applying a static magnetic field that generates a torque on a small cantilever. The torsion is detected using piezoresistive elements, enabling the study of the moment as a function of magnetic field strength, temperature, or angular orientation relative to the field.
- Noise levels in the measured torque are 1·10-9 N·m (using a high-sensitivity cantilever).
- The cantilever chip includes an integrated calibration loop.

Image Credit: Quantum Design International
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Thermal Measurements
Heat Capacity
The Heat Capacity option allows for high-precision microcalorimetry experiments to measure a sample's heat capacity as a function of temperature. It also supports measurements in a static applied magnetic field through the software's automated field calibration function.

Image Credit: Quantum Design International

- The typical addenda signal is 0.2 μJ/K at 2 K, with a 2 nJ/K signal resolution.
- Integrated data post-processing tools enable high-resolution sampling of sharp first-order transitions.
- The software automates the addenda (background) signal collection and performs necessary subtraction to determine the sample's heat capacity.
Thermal Transport Option (TTO)
The TTO enables rapid characterization of thermoelectric materials by simultaneously measuring thermal conductivity, Seebeck coefficient, and electrical resistivity. Its continuous data acquisition mode allows for faster collection of higher density curves, improving throughput for what is typically a time-consuming measurement.
- The thermoelectric figure of merit (ZT) is automatically calculated for quick and easy data evaluation.
- The included sample mounting supplies support a wide variety of materials for measurement.

Image Credit: Quantum Design International
Multi-Function Probes
For advanced users aiming to create custom experiments within the PPMS, QD's MFPs offer an interface with the integrated chamber wiring and facilitate bringing external connections (electrical, optical, etc.) into the probe from the top. Several variants are available:
- Types A, B, and M feature different socket configurations for electrical access.
- Type C consists solely of the probe with baffles, without an electrical interface.
- The CryoFMR Variant is compatible with the NanOsc CryoFMR Spectrometer.

Image Credit: Quantum Design International
Optical Multi-Function Probe (OMFP)
The OMFP easily achieves optical access to the PPMS sample chamber. It features an integrated camera imaging system and a piezo-positioner capsule, enabling straightforward identification and navigation to regions of interest in the sample.
- The camera can resolve features smaller than 5 μm.
- Two four-probe channels are available for correlating optical data with electrical transport measurements.
- The positioning capsule allows movement in the x, y, and z axes, with a full range of 3 mm in each direction.

Image Credit: Quantum Design International
FMR Spectroscopy
NanOsc FMR Spectrometers
Broadband FMR spectroscopy enables continuous measurements across several tens of GHz. This wide frequency range enhances the accuracy of extracting various material parameters that static measurement techniques cannot access.
- A turn-key FMR spectrometer with an easy-to-use software interface.
- Calculates effective magnetization (Meff), anisotropy (K), gyromagnetic ratio (γ), damping (α), and inhomogeneous broadening (ΔHO).
- Allows exchange stiffness (A) extraction and the inverse spin Hall effect (ISHE).

Image Credit: Quantum Design International
Optical Multi-Function Probe (OMFP)
Optical access to the sample chamber of the PPMS is easily achieved using the OMFP. The system features an integrated camera imaging system and a piezo-positioner capsule, simplifying locating and navigating to a region of interest on the sample.
- The camera can resolve features smaller than 5 μm.
- The positioning capsule allows movement in the x, y, and z axes, with a 3 mm range in each direction.
- Two four-probe channels are available for correlating optical data with electrical transport measurements.

Image Credit: Quantum Design International
Light Sources
For experiments requiring illumination inside the PPMS sample space, two broadband xenon light sources are available:
- The TLX120Xe features a 100 W source and includes a motorized monochromator, allowing the light wavelength to be selected through a sequence command in MultiVu.
- The MLS 300 W source is equipped with a manual selection filter wheel for passing pre-determined wavelengths of light.

Image Credit: Quantum Design International
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PPMS Option Swap Out Video
The Ease of Switching PPMS Measurement Options. Video Credit: Quantum Design International