For imaging and spectroscopy using Raman, photoluminescence (PL), cathodoluminescence (CL), and AFM-Raman, HORIBA’s LabSpec 6 Spectroscopy Suite offers a user-friendly, potent software platform. It provides complete and versatile functionality for acquiring, processing, analyzing, and displaying data, in addition to flexible automation solutions.
Regardless of the application — research, analytical, quality control, or process monitoring — LabSpec 6 operates all HORIBA Raman system parts and accessories. The hardware's strength, adaptability, and flexibility are matched by LabSpec 6’s user-friendliness and advanced features.
LabSpec 6 enables comprehensive system control in addition to sophisticated data analysis/acquisition procedures, such as quick mapping, kinetic studies, high throughput screening, and programmed high-temperature and high-pressure analysis.
HORIBA’s LabSpec 6 Software is enhanced for regulatory compliance by ensuring security and data integrity controls that enable compliant use of HORIBA Raman microscopes within regulated laboratory environments.
The LabSpec 6 Software Suite guides users through an automated, user-friendly workflow that is ready to use, making it easier to optimize measurements, data processing, and analysis. The fully integrated software tools in the LabStore will give users’ experiments a boost and saves time and effort, allowing users to obtain outstanding results while also reducing the workload.
This strategy is based on years of experience and research by HORIBA and reflects the regular usage of these systems.

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LabSpec 6 software provides an intuitive interface that allows for a logical workflow through an experiment, from visualization of the sample and measurement setup to interpretation of the data and final reporting of the results.

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With the help of EasyImage, users can quickly and easily acquire useful chemical images of the materials without requiring a high level of Raman expertise.

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MultiPoints offer automated Raman spectra acquisition. By choosing many random spots on the sample, the user can develop their own recipe.

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High throughput screening utilizing conventional well plates, microtiter plates, and other frequently arrayed sampling devices is made simple with MultiWell.

Image Credit: HORIBA
For automated particle localization, characterization, and Raman analysis, ParticleFinder offers a user-friendly interface. It is completely compliant with the most recent market regulations.
EasyNav Technology
With the groundbreaking EasyNav™ package, it is fast and easy to navigate in-focus, in real-time, to identify the region of interest and obtain sharp, clear Raman chemical images. HORIBA NavMap™ + NavSharp™ + ViewSharp™ apps can be used together or separately to deliver a powerful user experience for all Raman users.

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SmartID detects the active microscope objective automatically.

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NavMap makes navigating the large samples easier.

Image Credit: HORIBA
Real-time focusing is provided by NavSharp while navigating around samples.

Image Credit: HORIBA
ViewSharp creates fully focused images and 3D sample topography.

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By using video stitching, Mosaic enables quick imaging of large sample areas.
Spectral Acquisition
In addition to 1D profiles (such as line X, Y, depth Z, time, kinetic, and temperature studies), 2D images (such as XY surface maps), and 3D cubes (i.e., confocal XYZ maps), LabSpec 6 can also capture multi-dimensional information in the full spectrum range or custom ranges.

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Point-by-point mapping offers the highest level of image sensitivity, making it perfect for low-scattering materials.

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With 500 milliseconds/point acquisition times, SWIFT mapping offers rapid images. It is the ideal choice for high-scattering materials.

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SmartSampling allows for large and super high-resolution image acquisition up to 100 times faster, even for low scattering materials.
Data Processing
A critical phase of spectroscopy is processing. In addition to improving the ability to distinguish between spectral features, preparing raw spectral data helps to remove noise (and unwanted signals).
The LabSpec 6 software comes with a wide range of processing capabilities that can be used in real-time during acquisition or after acquisition for improved qualitative and quantitative analysis.

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FLAT makes it possible for real-time, on-the-fly elimination of fluorescence backgrounds from spectra.

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Custom baselines, smoothing, normalization, thresholding, and other data augmentation features are available.

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Math enables the use of mathematical procedures to manipulate spectral and image data.
Improve the abundance of information by conducting a thorough analysis of the spectral data. Map data can be converted into chemical images with the help of LabSpec 6.

Image Credit: HORIBA
χSTaiN is a unique and intelligent program that fully automates the processing and analysis of 2D Raman images.

Image Credit: HORIBA
MVAPlus integrates unsupervised multivariate algorithms (PCA, MCR, HCA, and K-means, CLS) for quantitative and qualitative image production.

Image Credit: HORIBA
KnowItAll provides a unified platform for fully automated spectral identification, mixture analysis, and data mining.

Image Credit: HORIBA
PeakFitting analysis software allows for quantitative analyses of material strain, interactions with the environment, and crystallinity.
App Packages
The specialized LabSpec Software application helps save time and money.
An application package will incorporate all of the processing and analytic tools users want for a particular application, allowing them to acquire the answer to their question with a single click.
Si Stress is an application specifically designed to analyze silicon and photovoltaic cell samples.

Image Credit: HORIBA
DLC is a specific application for analyzing samples of diamond-like carbon.

Image Credit: HORIBA
Image Display
There are several different tools in LabSpec 6 for working with optical and hyperspectral Raman images. These include an extensive range of innovative image processing tools and display capabilities for a perfect report.

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DataOverlay combines all of the multimodal sample images for hybrid sample analysis and viewing.

Image Credit: HORIBA
Rotation and lighting controls are included within the 3D volume’s 3D confocal volume display.

Image Credit: HORIBA
Image Enhancement provides a wide variety of image processing methods to improve Raman and optical images.
Be equipped to provide customized measurement and analysis reports quickly.

Image Credit: HORIBA
For quick results reporting, CustomReport customizes multi-data and multipage templates.

Image Credit: HORIBA
Animation provides GIF animations of Raman and optical images for presentations.
Automation and Customization
With LabSpec 6, users can automate their everyday tasks.

Image Credit: HORIBA
BatchProcess makes it possible to quickly and effectively process several data files in batches.

Image Credit: HORIBA
With OneClick, acquiring Raman spectra is quick, automated, and simple.

Image Credit: HORIBA
In a multi-level user interface, Custom GUI modifies the LabSpec 6 display to only display the tools users actually need to see.

Image Credit: HORIBA
Methods records routines alllowing for multiple measurements, processing and analysis steps to be fully and easily automated

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For instrument control and data processing, script and ActiveX enable internal or external programming.
The LabSpec 6 software is a versatile platform that supports a variety of modalities.

Image Credit: HORIBA
Raman and AFM technologies are combined in AFM for push-button TERS and colocalized investigations.

Image Credit: HORIBA
With Epifluo, cooled, high-performance fluorescence imaging cameras are compatible.

Image Credit: HORIBA
Images of photocurrent or photovoltage could be captured and shown with PhotoCurrent.

Image Credit: HORIBA
To get the best-colocalized cathodoluminescence analysis, CL effectively drives the SEM.
Compliance, Validation, and Security
LabSpec 6 is a validated software designed to maximize ease of use, functionality and stability. It provides and ensures security and data integrity controls for the compliant use of HORIBA Raman microscopes in regulated laboratory environments.

LabSpec 6 is a certified software with tested and documented performance and efficiency.

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OneCheck guarantees that the instrument is always precisely calibrated and aligned.

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Within multi-user setups, UserAccounts offers user access management and interface customization.

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ProtectionPlus enables users to work in accordance with 21 CFR Part 11 of the FDA’s Code concerning electronic records and electronic signatures.