The Epsilon 4, an energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) benchtop spectrometer, enables non-destructive elemental analysis of impurities in a pharmaceutical product’s active ingredients and excipients, complying with the recommendations in ICH Q3D, USP<232>, USP<233> and USP<735>. Traditionally performed by ICP and AAS, the same applications are now possible without the need for time-consuming and costly sample preparation.
EDXRF Spectrometer for Cosmetic and Pharmaceutical Applications - Epsilon 4

EDXRF Spectrometer for Cosmetic and Pharmaceutical Applications - Epsilon 4 - Picture 1

EDXRF Spectrometer for Cosmetic and Pharmaceutical Applications - Epsilon 4 - Picture 2

EDXRF Spectrometer for Cosmetic and Pharmaceutical Applications - Epsilon 4 - Picture 3

EDXRF Spectrometer for Cosmetic and Pharmaceutical Applications - Epsilon 4 - Picture 4

EDXRF Spectrometer for Cosmetic and Pharmaceutical Applications - Epsilon 4 - Picture 5

EDXRF Spectrometer for Cosmetic and Pharmaceutical Applications - Epsilon 4 - Picture 6